PREVIEW: Today, we'll create an image using shapes from the section of the Toolkit.

  • Click Run to see an example of the house we will create in this lesson.
  • After you watch the fish swim, click Submit and Next to begin the lesson.

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stage.set_background("underwater") # sprite = codesters.Circle(x, y, diameter, "color") sun = codesters.Circle(-150, 175, 75, "gold") # sprite = codesters.Square(x, y, width, "color") house = codesters.Square(0, -125, 250, "lightgreen") chimney = codesters.Rectangle(90, 75, 50, 150, "darkblue") # sprite = codesters.Triangle(x, y, size, "color") roof = codesters.Triangle(0, 100, 300, "magenta") # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") door = codesters.Rectangle(0, -175, 75, 150, "aqua") sprite = codesters.Sprite("fish") sprite.set_speed(1) sprite.say("glug glug") sprite.glide_to(-100, -175) sprite.wait(1) sprite.glide_to(0, -175) sprite.say("See ya later!") sprite.wait(2) stage.remove_sprite(sprite)
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